
AKC Cocker Spaniel Darla Pearl joined the Vance family in 2021 and quickly found her way into their hearts with her gentle and happy disposition. Coming home to her is a highlight of their day. She greets her family with the excitement only seen in children on Christmas Day and with a cute tail that wags so fast, she may take flight! While at home with her, she is a cuddle companion while watching TV or will warm their feet as they sit at a desk to study. She knows when one of the Vance children have had a rough day or are not feeling well and will lay with them, belly up in the air, nudging them for extra pets and cuddles. She has tried from day one to be best friends with her chocolate lab brother, but he only tolerates her (he is a little on the jealous side and would have preferred to have all the attention). Even though he often dismisses her if she wants to play or cuddle up to him, she persists in the hopes of winning him over eventually. The Vance family believes that Darla will make an exceptional mom with her gentle, loving, nurturing, and persistent personality.