Obsidian (Obi)
Obi has been the delight of Joe & Lydia's household since puppyhood. Willow our Lab immediately adopted her as a daughter and Obi faithfully follows her "mama" around on every adventure. Her favorite toy is her stuffed bunny, and she can often be found snuggled up with her ropey friend; but she is generally happy to interject herself into any game of fetch, chase, or tug. Every shape and size of treat is welcome in Obi's mouth, and she is a faithful attendant whenever we open the dishwasher in case there are any dishes that need a "pre-rinse". Still, her love for outdoor escapades keeps her from gaining any extra ounces. With champion Cocker Spaniels on both sides of the family, this lovely lady is a great blend of desirable physical and personality traits and we're looking forward to meeting her first litter of Cockapoos in 2024!